Previous Reports
Match Report Wed 28 Nov 2018
Subject: Players and Payers 2018_11_28 An Uncertainty Match
Payers courtesy of JonF. Many thanks Jon.
Payers on 28-11-2018
Avvon Subscription £6.00
dA.Niesta Subscription £6.00
dabiyani1995 Subscription £2.50
Denzo Subscription £2.50
JonF Subscription £5.00
Milo Subscription £3.00
Players (Uncertain of full listing of players)
Avvon, Ben, dA.Niesta, dabiyani1995, Denzo, Israel90, JonF, Milo
Teams unknown.
Final score unknown.
We only know that a match took place because some players paid some money. This type of match may be best categorised under Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
Let's do it all again with more certainty next match at Tottenham Wednesday FC
From: Dhavan
Sent: 05 December 2018 18:49
Subject: Re: Players and Payers 2018_11_28 An Uncertainty Match
1. Jon F
2. Isreal
3. Avvon
4. Ben
5. Dhavan
6. Deniz
7. Daniel
8. Milo
The pay for
individuals seems right. Due to having 8 players, we couldn’t afford to play a
proper game, so we bent the slightly by allowing overhead and also to score
only in the box.
Team 1:
Dhavan, Isreal, Jon, Avvon
Team 2 : Milo,
Ben, Daniel, Deniz
Score’s were
15-10 I believe to team 2
from my iPhone